Our newest platform provides access to the entire database of Philippine law-related materials of CD Asia – the most comprehensive digital legal database in the Philippines – and guarantees unparalleled ease of use for research.
- Annotations to more than 17,000 legislative enactments, executive issuances, and tax-related issuances consisting of the Law In Force and Statutory History features
- Extensive subject indexes for laws, tax-related issuances, and decisions of the Supreme Court
- Cross-referencing of issuances across the entire database
- Tabular document view with separate tabs to see the original law, law in force, citing references, related issuances, and cited issuances of legislation and executive issuances, and the main opinion, separate opinions, available synopses and syllabi, case doctrines, and cited issuances of decisions of the Supreme Court
- Automatic citation when a document is copied and pasted
- Optimized Search Template – Customized search fields allowing search through all types of issuances
- Search by Content Type or Topic – Issuances grouped by content type or topic for more pinpoint research
- Fast Search – Search through a targeted data set for quicker retrieval of issuances
- My Folders – Quick access to folders created by the user
- History – Previous searches done and documents viewed by the us